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Afternoon Energizer

Start fresh again

How to gain ease and start fresh again

Imagine your body would talk to you during the office day and you listen:
„Hey buddy! I feel tense and stiff! Give me more ease to think fresh and to enjoy what we are doing!“

Having a good dialogue with your body will stop unnecessary noise in your head, uplift your level of concentration and effectiveness, which allows you to tap into your full potential of creativity.

Once you experience how to create this healthy dialogue, you will find more ease during stressful situations and are less likely to exhaust yourself.

The Hubbers and Grinberg Method® practitioners Sandra and Juliane will teach you how to gain back a higher body awareness, ease and wider perspectives when working in front of your computer.

Join us for a healthy break and start fresh again

Date and time: Wednesday, 2-2:30pm
Location: Coffee area, 3rd Floor

Sandra Neumaier: www.koerper-und-fokus.com (1040 Vienna)
Juliane Scherf: www.julianescherf.at (1070 Vienna)

For Hubbers we offer a special deal (20% off) in our studios for the first 1:1 session.
We also love to work in small groups. Feel free to contact us for your needs.


Upcoming „Afternoon Energizer” events

  1. Wednesday 20 Nov 2019

    Afternoon Energizer

    Start fresh again How to gain ease and start fresh again Imagine your body would talk to you during the office day and you listen: „Hey buddy! I feel tense and stiff! Give me more ease to think fresh and to enjoy what we are doing!“ Having a good dialogue with your body will stop unnecessary noise in your head, uplift your level of concentration and effectiveness, which allows you to tap into your full potential of creativity. Once you…

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