When it comes to reliable information about the current state of climate, many reliable sources can be challenging to understand. However, grasping the reality of the climate crisis is nowadays crucial to motivate action. We talked with Gabriel Baunach, founder of the podcast Climaware and Über Klima Sprechen and book author, who has a particular approach on bringing awareness to the topic: through contrasting how severe the situation is, and what can we do about it.
“People need more than just the facts; they need to feel the urgency and also see that there are real, actionable steps they can take,” Baunach explains. “It’s about giving them a cold shower with the reality of the climate crisis, and then handing them a warm towel in the form of constructive solutions.” This approach is central to the Gabriel’s podcast , Climaware, where he educates and empowers his audience to take meaningful action.
Gabriel’s work extends to promoting the concept of the “handprint,” a shift from focusing solely on reducing personal carbon footprints to actively creating positive environmental impact. “It’s not enough to just cut down on emissions; we need to be thinking about how we can generate more good in the world,” he notes.
In addition to his podcast, Gabriel collaborates on other projects, such as the NGO Klimafakten’s podcast focused also on climate communication. He also stays current with new research, using sources like Carbon Brief to keep his content accurate and up-to-date. His expertise is not just in the science, but in communicating that science in a way that motivates action.
Beyond his podcast, Gabriel also take on paid commissions, mostly from companies, to provide in-depth climate insights. He balances this task by dedicating time to unpaid work aimed at reaching the broader public through his book, “Hoch die Hände Klimawende“, and his two podcast Über Klima sprechen and Climaware.
Gabriel’s journey into climate communication began in 2020 with the launch of his podcast, a project born out of growing public interest and his own passion for climate issues. “I didn’t start with a business plan. The demand was there, and people wanted someone who could explain the current state of the climate crisis and offer tailored advice on what to do next,” he says. His background in mechanical engineering and energy technology, coupled with experience at the UN Climate Secretariat, gave him the tools to make Climaware a trusted source of climate knowledge.
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For Gabriel, the future holds a mix of pessimism and optimism. “I find impressive how quickly we might reach the tipping points and how dangerous the consequences of this can be.“, he mentions. Yet, he remains hopeful about humanity’s long-term prospects, believing that we can evolve to meet these challenges.
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