Last update: 29.04.2020
Dear Community!
This article collects all the most important things you should know about the current coronavirus situation in Vienna, as well as measures implemented by Impact Hub Vienna.
Stay safe, stay connected and keep in touch!
Follow our channels to receive regular updates:
In the light of the current developments and step by step opening of different entities, we will as well extend the opening times of Impact Hub Vienna again. From 4th of May Impact Hub Vienna will be open and hosted from 9:00-15:00. We are planning to extend the opening times further depending on demand and how the situation develops. As in the past unlimited, fixed desk and office members with keys have 24/7 access to the space.
We wrote a guide taking into consideration keeping all of you safe, healthy and still able to use the space. Please read the opening guidelines carefully!
>> Download the guidelines here
We still recommend to plan meetings only if needed, with care and as short as possible.
We are initiating our very own “Solidarity Fund” where, as a member, partner, friend, and supporter of Impact Hub Vienna, you can donate and support those within our community that most need it. Run with the support of impactory, and operated by our – new – charitable Impact Hub Vienna Association, every cent committed will be distributed to those requesting our help.
Find out more information here.
City of Vienna’s dedicated info page about coronavirus and COVID-19 disease is available in multiple languages, as well as accessible formats –
For Vienna-specific news stream regarding coronavirus, visit
You can watch recordings of governmental press conferences and announcements at
A checklist for businesses:
As of 20th of April, the phase 2 of Hardships Fund opened for applications! ⚠️Important: in phase 2, the group of beneficiaries is expanded:
Following the governmental protective measures, wearing a non-medical mouth-nose protection (Mund-Nasen-Schutz, MNS in short) is a requirement when visiting stores and using public transport. It is also recommended that you wear a face mask whenever you go out.
We recommend that you buy a reusable fabric mask.Wash the mask after use with at least 60 ° C and iron on both sides with the highest heat setting and the highest steam setting. If the mask has been sewn with an elastic band, wash it at a lower temperature, but be sure to use a degreasing detergent (washing powder, soap, detergent) and iron it hot.
You can support our community by buying face masks from:
Or, make your own mask!
If you need to get in touch, please use the contact form below or email your contact at Impact Hub Vienna directly. The team is working remotely and is ready to help out.
Stay strong & healthy,
Impact Hub Vienna Team
Impact Hub Vienna
Lindengasse 56/18-19
1070 Vienna,
Phone: +43 (0) 1 522 71 43
General Enquiries:
Space Bookings:
Opening Hours: Mon – Fri, 09:00 – 18:00
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