The logistics industry deals daily with approximately 600 million euro pallets, all of which have to be secured to avoid transit and theft issues. Normally, this is done using single-use stretch film, contributing to the pressing global plastic waste problem. Wilson Guide offers an alternative that also contributes to solving the pressing global plastic waste problem: robust lightweight protections with materials such as polycarbonate that are designed for easy integration and quick disassembly. OekoBusiness Vienna, talked to Peter Wilson, founder of Wilson Guide.
Yes, since my childhood I have had a strong connection to nature and the environment. At the same time, working in transport and Logistics for over 10 years, I witnessed the everyday use of plastic film to secure products. One-time use and not Sustainable.
The biggest challenge is plastic film, which is mostly used for all securing of goods and products.
Sustainable and reusable packaging is at the moment in higher demand. Many companies are looking toward more sustainable and reusable packaging solutions.
I would like to see more awareness, and campaigning concerning one-time use systems like plastic film, both from the government and none non-government organisations.
Awareness, and working together with all the stakeholders towards more sustainable, reusable, and green solutions to renewable energy.
The OekoBusiness Vienna and Impact Hub Vienna Re-Wien programs play a huge role in my startup. I benefited from other startups, and we are also part of OekoBusiness company.
Keep your head high, and think more sustainably.
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